How I Long for a Consonant

Eastern medicine for me has always been shrouded in mysticism, and I approached it with equal parts curiosity and trepidation like an unfamiliar animal you're not quite sure how to interact with. In all my attempts to better understand eastern medicine I only ever felt more confused. It was like communicating using only vowels, in barely intelligible grunts. 

Upcoming Meeting Reminder: 4.5.2016

Hey everyone just a quick reminder that our monthly group meeting at the North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center is happening this Tuesday from 1-3PM.

Because I have had so many requests on this topic I will be covering disability. Hopefully a very informative session so don't miss it!

Don't forget about our Monday Qi-Gong classes and our Fibro Fridays either. We are doing tongue maps for this friday!

Hope to see you all there!


Upcoming Meeting Reminder: 3.1.2016

Hey everyone it's that time again! It doesn't feel like it's been a month to me.

See you all on Tuesday March 1st from 1-3PM at the North Domingo Baca Mulitigenerational Center for our monthly support group meeting.

Thank you to everyone who has shown up for our weekly QiGong sessions, we've had great attendance and the class is wonderful. I hope you will continue to come and for those of you who haven't had the chance don't forget - Free Fibromyalgia specific QiGong sessions every Monday at 1PM held at Khoo Wellness.

OH! don't forget we will be doing our first Fibro Night Out on Friday! Come join us at Khoo Wellness from 6-8 PM for Game Night!!!

Have a great weekend and see you all on Tuesday!




Silly Optimism

I'm not sure what it is about 2 am. Some part of me thinks I should be annoyed because I'm not sleeping but there is something so peaceful about 2 am. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person in the world at 2 am, silly. I love the quiet of 2 am, I love padding through the house with all the lights off and reaching out to touch the corners of walls and furniture. I love the way the world looks at 2 am. I could forgive anything at 2 am. I don't want anything from anyone and no one wants anything from me. 

How can you tell who has Fibro in a Zombie Apocalypse?

They're zombies. 


Maybe this joke should have been: In a zombie apocalypse how can you tell the difference between the zombies and the Fibro's? You don't have to:

Fibro's are the first one's getting bit by the zombies so. Fibro=zombie  

Do you think a Fibro zombie would be slower or would it be faster since it can't feel pain?

Zombie life is starting to have some appeal. 




You know what I don't get? Why when I'm thinking to myself -ok don't spill this cup full of coffee, and my body responds by hurling the coffee across the room. Yeah subtle brain, real subtle.  

You know what else I love... When you respond fast enough to theoretically catch the cup you just tossed only to bitch slap it instead of actually catching it, which results in coffee not just on the floor but the ceiling too.  
