A Song Called Pain in the Key F-me

I don't know what it is about this time of year exactly, weather changing, temperatures fluctuating, pressure fronts, waning light. This time every year I start feeling more exhausted and symptoms I had forgotten about start re-appearing.  

I have had an eye twitch for over a month, my jaw pain has come back in force, I am having extreme difficulty regulating my body temperature. I'm burning up and freezing and I feel cottony. Dry eyes, dry mouth, sore throat, my ears ache. I feel constantly thirsty even though I'm hydrating, my skin is starting to get that hyper-awareness that feels like the bruise version of a sunburn and I know that I'm clenching everywhere and not breathing deep. My stomach hurts constantly and I swear I can feel my adrenals, like two little rocks in my back. I'm in a constant state just this side of a migraine and I'm grouchy. I'm so tired but I'm wide awake. This kind of exhaustion is so impossible to explain. Every inch of me feels wrung-out and beat blue. 

It's only just the beginning, I won't start feeling better until the end of spring.  

I know that a lot of Fibro's are reversed and the summer months are the hardest on them, I have no idea why that is. Hopefully you are finding some relief, now it's my turn I had a good summer at least. Weird considering everything that happened this summer. 

sorry if I'm a grouch to anyone, pain makes me a jerk sometimes. 

I'm making an effort I promise. 

Rant over.