ABQFibro Notice: The June and July meetings are currently canceled due to unavailability of our room.

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Lyrica and Nuerontin, and Gabapentin, oh my!

I have had a lot of questions about these drugs. What are they and how are they different?  

Keeping in mind that I'm not a doctor I will do my best to explain.  

Nuerontin is the brand name for Gabapentin  

Lyrica is Pregabalin 

There are currently no generics for Lyrica in the United States and it is classified as a tier 5 medication which most insurances don't fully cover, for this reason Gabapentin is often prescribed if a patient can't afford Lyrica.  

Both are antieleptics (anti seizure/convulsants) that decrease neurotransmitters. 

Gabapentin is prescribed mainly for seizures and shingles where Pregabalin is prescribed for that as well as Fibromyalgia and nueropathic pain. 

They are similar in likeness but are different drugs. As I understand it Gabapentin is harder to digest which can make dosing harder to control and it takes longer for it to work. Pregabalin is faster acting and digests more thoroughly meaning you won't have fluctuations in dosages that might cause potential under-dosing or over-dosing. 

Because the side-effects of these drugs can mimic Fibromyalgia symptoms like; sleepiness, confusion, trouble with memory or finding words, poor coordination, dry mouth, teeth grinding (tmj), weight gain,  and suicidal ideation. It is very important to keep a log of all of your symptoms before starting, and during your treatment.  

Those who don't tolerate one drug well are likely to not tolerate the other.  

I will admit to personally being biased about this medication. I suffered extreme side-effects on Lyrica; Elevator like sensations, painful spots on my scalp, bruxism that worsened my tmj, peripheral vision issues, trouble saying words, weight gain, nausea, and extreme mood swings, all of which increased slowly over the time period I was taking this drug so I didn't realize they were drug reactions until I got off the medication, Gabapentin affected me less but still negatively. 

However, I am ridiculously sensitive to medications and I have talked with a few people who have found these types of medication to be beneficial for them. If it works for you, hooray! I'm just suggesting, like I would with any medication or supplement, to pay attention to how you feel and document it so you know for sure.  

Hope that helps!